Monthly Archives: October 2023

An Autumn Afternoon

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

An Autumn Afternoon

Beyond the window’s shutters

all the birch leaves are golden -

they dance in the autumn breeze

as afternoon’s light twinkles

among the bright branches.

This moment, however, is tenuous

and will soon draw to a close.

Then the crows, silhouetted

against the bare limbs, will call

raucously across an empty forest.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie will have paintings and poetry in the Kaji Aso Studio exhibit: “Flying Together: Celebrating 50 Years”. The reception,including music, poetry and art, will happen on Saturday, November 4th at 7pm at the Kaji Aso Studio, 40 St Stephen St., Boston. There will be an online exhibit on November 12th at 7pm.

Autumn Flow

Small Pumpkins

Small Pumpkins

Autumn Flow

Autumn moves steadily forward.

Leaves color the wind

with wings of gold.

Northern plains send

their cold blasts and clouds

which hide the season’s sun -

at night geese ride the currents

to reach warmer climes.

From harvest festivals the scent

of warm, spiced cider brings

comfort to these changing times.

Lainie Senechal