Monthly Archives: September 2023

Bee the Morning

IMG_0312Joe Pye Weed Along Stream

Bee the Morning

After a night’s rain

wind sweeps the sky

clean of sullen clouds.

Through the morning window

one sees the bees fly

to the balcony blossoms.

They exuberantly explore them,

hopeful to win sweet nectar

which will provide the necessary

nourishment to sustain them

through long and barren winter days.

Lainie Senechal

Night of the Blue Moon

Blue MoonBlue Moon

Night of the Blue Moon

The Blue Moon sends

its beam through a gap

in the forest trees

illuminating the landscape

as if dawn will soon arrive.

Dreams are disturbed

by its persistent light,

forgotten memories awaken,

the past becomes the present,

for time is not transient

in the visions of the night.

Lainie Senechal