Monthly Archives: May 2019

Spring’s Return

Clearing SkyClearing Sky

Spring’s Return

Sun salutes the morning sky

after days of solemn rain and mist.

Lawns, meadows and fields

are deep green and soft.

A flow of flowers decorate

newly budding trees.

Chipping sparrow chants

a singular staccato trill

while the cardinal croons

a run of sweet notes.

Spring’s return is rich

with color and song.

Lainie Senechal

Fretful Spring

Pink Azaleas

Pink Azaleas

Fretful Spring

Blue skies are absent –

continual rain and gloom

shuffles spring season,

encourages wayward weeds.

Pewter lake lies languid and still

but perky goldfinches,

with white wing bars

like taut guitar strings,

perch on feeder and voice

their “potato-chip” objections

with each disturbance.

Below, forsythia blossoms mirror

birds’ bright yellow breasts.

Lainie Senechal