Monthly Archives: March 2017

Spring Rises & Announcement

Pussy WillowsPussy Willows

Spring Rises

Shoots of daffodils rise,

again, from frozen ground.

They have not forgotten

the time of season;

they dream of yellow

while tips of their stems,

like soft tongues,

are tempted to taste

the cool spring air.

Curtain descends on winter;

no stopping the progression.

Empty branches, which grate

against sturdy March winds,

bear rows of swelling buds.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement:  Lainie will host a reception for her exhibit of watercolors, The Language of Light, at the Provident Bank, 1Provident Way, Seabrook, NH from 5:30 – 7:30 PM.

Late Winter & Announcement

Darl clouds 2Dark Clouds

Late Winter

Late winter wind that

howled through budding branches,

chased clouds from night sky,

is mum in morning’s first moment.

Dawn’s bright light phosphoresces

off long slabs of ice that float

randomly on lake’s slight waves.

Seagulls line up in a row, ready

for the ride, and watch with wonder

the enfolding of spring.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: On March 23rd at 5:30PM there will be an opening for Lainie”s exhibit, The Language of Light, at The Provident Bank, 1 Provident Way (off of Lafayette Rd.), Seabrook, NH. Light refreshments.