Tag Archives: spring

April Fools

Tulips Searching for Spring

Tulips Searching for Spring

April Fools

Did spring come in

on a brisk March breeze?

The days warmed under azure skies.

Wood frogs rattled from their pool.

The river flowed swiftly

filled with a vernal flood.

There was hope for the start

of the new season, but April

has given us a tease – snow

and cold temperatures arrive.

As we move forward

into the new month,

we move backwards

into winter’s harsh days.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie will have art and poetry in an online event, “Spring Awakenings”, on Saturday, April 6th, at 7pm. Link: www.kajiasostudio.com.


Sawyer's Sugar House

Sawyer’s Sugar House


A streak of warm days

followed by frigid nights

brings a surge of sap

from the Monadnock maples.

The flow collected then placed

in large wood-fired boilers.

It seems forever to cook down,

only stopped when a sweet,

sticky syrup remains.

Across the region a chain

of sugar shacks, at full

capacity, run day and night.

Although production can be

a pain, the season is short

and the result is a tasty treat

that marks the start of spring.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie will have artwork and poetry in an online presentation,  “Spring Awakenings”, on Saturday, April 6th at 7pm. RSVP administrator@kajiasostudio.com

Spring Awakenings 2

Pussy Willows

Pussy Willows

Spring Awakenings 2

When will the atmosphere

shake off its winter mood?

The trees are a tangle of

bare branches, gray and bent,

from the season’s heavy snows.

Hopefully the seeds of summer

are beginning to stir

and soon we will sip

spring’s sweet, green wine.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie will have artwork in an exhibit, with the Saxton River Art Guild, at the Main Street Arts gallery in Saxton River, VT from March 9 through April 21. The reception will take place place on March 9 from 2-4 at Main Street Arts.

Spring Awakenings

Paddling  Along the Edge of Spring

Paddling Along the Edge of Spring

Spring Awakenings

As winter’s chill continues

what lies underground waiting

to climb into the vernal warmth?

The division between this season

and the next is not a wall but

a gradual wave of unfolding.

Soon the river will roar with

the flood of melting snow

and our spirits will soar

in a balmy spring breeze.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie will have art and poetry in an event at the Kaji Aso Studio, 40 st. Stephen St., Boston from March 2 through April 24th. On Saturday, March 2nd from 7 – 8:30 pm there will be a reception including music and poetry at the studio.

Spring’s Arrival

First Blossoms of Spring

First Blossoms of Spring

Spring’s  Arrival

The brisk spring wind

follows a day of calm.

Snow piles remain on edges

which create an undertow

of remembrance for winter’s woes.

The dry, rust-colored leaves,

remnants of last autumn,

swirl in the stiff breeze.

Our thoughts are pulled

towards days of expected warmth -

a time when beaches will open

and a wave of green will

spread across the barren land.

Even the weeds will be welcomed,

at least for a while.

Lainie Senechal

April Moon


April Moon

April Moon

The darkened sky opens to reveal

a quite full pink moon which was submerged

under waves of thick black and gray clouds.

Its brilliant light shines so softly on

the great sprays of gold forthysia

that spring straight up like large, loose feathers

from the base of each broad, sturdy bush.

At dawn the air is rich with bird song

while spring’s sweet breath wafts in gentle wind.

Lainie Senechal

Early April

Daffodil Buds

Daffodil Buds

Early April

In spring sun remnants of snow have melted,

dripped from roof’s edges, formed rivers on path.

Robins arrive in garden, search for worms

under last autumn’s decaying brown leaves.

The shoots of emerging daffodils stretch

their long, supple, green limbs to the clear sky -

gather armfuls of golden, solar rays.

Lainie Senechal

Spring Forward



Spring Forward

Nature recovers from winter’s wrath

as vernal floods fill the swamps.

Spring peepers and skunk cabbage emerge

infusing the air with sounds and scents.

The headaches of last season

slowly dissipate with the arrival

of temperate days and an earth

that ruptures with new life.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie will have paintings and poetry in “Awakening” a Zoom presentation of art, music and poetry by the Kaji Aso Studio on Sunday, April 3rd at 7pm. Go to kajiasostudioevents.com for a link to the program.

Spring’s Promise

Spring Tulips

Spring Tulips

Spring’s Promise

Tonight I hear some sounds

after waking from a reverie.

Is it my neighbors’ voices

talking across their yards,

or the call of geese arriving

from the South for a stopover

to sleep before the journey North?

No matter, spring will not relent

in its steady stride forward,

despite our petty protests.

It is not concerned with

our measures or mortalities –

spring keeps it own promises

and will , after all, prevail.

Lainie Senechal

Journey to Spring & Announcement

Sunset, Lake attitashSunset, Lake Attitash

Journey to Spring

Some days are bright and warm,

followed by cold and snow.

Like the motion of the tides

or the moon, once full, now waning –

the season ebbs and flows

on its slow journey to spring.

Lake’s surface becomes too soft

to support those that fish through ice.

We are headed into a new situation,

wondering how it will unfold.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie’s paintings will be on display at the headquarters of the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge during the month of March 2020.