Tag Archives: amaryllis

New Year’s Beauty

Apple Blossom Amaryllis

Apple Blossom Amaryllis

New Year’s Beauty

Only the dregs of snow

remain in the deep woods.

Winter has slowed into

milder moments that

feel like spring.

The Contooocock flows

soundlessly against its

stiff, frozen banks.

The swift current is sleek

and dark like ebony silk.

Every New Year is unique –

each beginning brings

its own style of beauty.

Lainie Senechal

Red Amaryllis

IMAG0031Red Amaryllis

Red Amaryllis

The amaryllis bulb in window

sprouts fresh, green leaves

and a ruby red bulb

while the wild winter winds

howl through day and night.

A fire in the hearth,

with a woodsy scent

like some special incense,

warms the cold room.

From the decay of season

rises a dream of emerging spring.

Lainie Senechal