Tag Archives: New Year


Luca's Gift

Luca’s Gift


In the exhilaration

of a fresh beginning

we wish for a New Year

that rises like a phoenix –

fiery, bright and strong.

The chasm of time

stretches wide before us,

too much distance to leap,

but each day builds

a slow bridge to the other side.

The ashes of the old year

are swept completely away.

Hopes and expectations

swirl in our thoughts

and mingle with anxiety

for what may lie ahead.

Lainie Senechal

New Year’s Beauty

Apple Blossom Amaryllis

Apple Blossom Amaryllis

New Year’s Beauty

Only the dregs of snow

remain in the deep woods.

Winter has slowed into

milder moments that

feel like spring.

The Contooocock flows

soundlessly against its

stiff, frozen banks.

The swift current is sleek

and dark like ebony silk.

Every New Year is unique –

each beginning brings

its own style of beauty.

Lainie Senechal

New Year’s Mist

Cloudy Sky

Cloudy Sky

New Year’s Mist

The New Year opens softly

with no whoosh of winter winds -

only a mantle of mist

that masks the way forward.

Dark trunks stand stoically

as they wait for a change

but all movement as ceased.

A future full of secrets

which cannot be foretold.

The fog has secured

any chance to glimpse

what lies on the further shore.

One hopes for an answer.

Silence is the only reply.

Lainie Senechal