Tag Archives: poetry

Autumn Flow

Small Pumpkins

Small Pumpkins

Autumn Flow

Autumn moves steadily forward.

Leaves color the wind

with wings of gold.

Northern plains send

their cold blasts and clouds

which hide the season’s sun -

at night geese ride the currents

to reach warmer climes.

From harvest festivals the scent

of warm, spiced cider brings

comfort to these changing times.

Lainie Senechal

Bee the Morning

IMG_0312Joe Pye Weed Along Stream

Bee the Morning

After a night’s rain

wind sweeps the sky

clean of sullen clouds.

Through the morning window

one sees the bees fly

to the balcony blossoms.

They exuberantly explore them,

hopeful to win sweet nectar

which will provide the necessary

nourishment to sustain them

through long and barren winter days.

Lainie Senechal

Night of the Blue Moon

Blue MoonBlue Moon

Night of the Blue Moon

The Blue Moon sends

its beam through a gap

in the forest trees

illuminating the landscape

as if dawn will soon arrive.

Dreams are disturbed

by its persistent light,

forgotten memories awaken,

the past becomes the present,

for time is not transient

in the visions of the night.

Lainie Senechal


The Garden at Satori

The Garden at Satori


Hummingbirds with rapid wings

visit flowers more frequently

then slip quickly away

to find new blossoms

as they bank calories

for the migration south.

A list of fall vegetables

appears at the farm stand:

butternut squash, cabbages,

and soon the pumpkins

next to the sweet corn.

The long hours of light

are slowly fading away

as summer moves

toward its final days.

Lainie Senechal

Summer on the Balcony


Morning Visitor

Morning Visitor

Summer on the Balcony

The morning is greeted

with notes of bird songs

from the green-leaved forest

and sparkles on silver ripples

in rays of the rising sun.

The jeweled-feathered hummingbird

appears on its daily rounds

to visit flowers on the balcony rail

and to search for small spiders

in webs of thin, silk threads

that were spun in the night.

The nesting time is almost over,

as summer moves forward

the juveniles will fledge

and soon be gone.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement:  On Sunday, August 13th, Lainie will exhibit her paintings in the Satori “Art in Nature” show and sale at the Satori Center in Marlow, NH.

Night of the Star Festival

Caught in the Swirl of Space

Caught in the Swirl of Space

Night of the Star Festival

(Based on the Japanese legend of Tanabata)

Tonight the moon

is a sliver of light

as the wind sighs softly

in the summer trees.

The stars, like crystal jewels,

seem to shimmer more brightly

for this special moment

when the long separated lovers

will walk across the bridge

that lies over the Silver River

and into each other’s arms –

meeting, once more.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie will have art and poetry in the Kaji Aso Studio’s “Tanabata:Star Festival 2023″. The opening is on Friday, July 7 at 7pm and online on Sunday, July 9th at 7pm.

The Goblet of Spring

Along the Contoocook - May

Along the Contoocook – May

The Goblet of Spring

The goblet of spring is finally

overflowing with succulent nectar.

Long awaited warmth has helped

to surprise us with a burst

of bountiful blossoms filled

with pollen to laden

the bumblebees, newly

awakened from winter abodes.

Across the land an immense

flow of bright green created

by an emergence of new leaves.

The unrelenting beauty of May

is everywhere – settled in gardens,

along roadsides, amid forests -

renewing the spirit, once again.

Lainie Senechal

Early Spring in the Contoocook Valley

Where the Wood Frogs Sing

Where the Wood Frogs Sing

Early Spring in the Contoocook Valley

Winter’s poor stretch of weather

replaced by warmer days.

The Contoocook’s current continues

its swift flow, fed by melting snow.

Daffodils have only green shoots

but a chorus of wood frogs

sweeps across an ephemeral pool.

The wave of crimson haze

along the forest’s edge foretells

the appearance of fresh leaves.

Watchers on the hills attempt

to catch the hawks’ migration

as nuthatches search for cozy crevices

in which to construct their new nests.

Lainie Senechal

Spring’s Arrival

First Blossoms of Spring

First Blossoms of Spring

Spring’s  Arrival

The brisk spring wind

follows a day of calm.

Snow piles remain on edges

which create an undertow

of remembrance for winter’s woes.

The dry, rust-colored leaves,

remnants of last autumn,

swirl in the stiff breeze.

Our thoughts are pulled

towards days of expected warmth -

a time when beaches will open

and a wave of green will

spread across the barren land.

Even the weeds will be welcomed,

at least for a while.

Lainie Senechal

March Nor’Easter

IMG_0238Winter Birds

March Nor’Easter

The blizzard brings heavy, wet snow

that nests in the empty boughs

and coats long, thin ends of branches

like thick braids of white hair.

The view disappears among

the intricate tangle of weighty limbs,

as birds, with feathers fluffed, flock to feeder.

A rush of wind and a thunderous crash

splinters an overburdened tree.

Lights go dim and power is lost

to the tumult of the storm.

Lainie Senechal