Category Archives: Announcements


Return of the Sun

Return of the Sun


Milder weather sparks an insatiable

desire for the golden moments

of a bright new season.

After days of bitter cold

even a sunny afternoon

inspires a lust for warmer hours.

In late February the heart

would love a quick transition

from winter into spring.

Lainie Senechal

Lainie will present art and poetry in the upcoming event: “SANCTUARY” An uplifting virtual presentation of Art, Music & Poetry
Premiere Virtual Event: Sunday, Feb. 28th @ 7:00pm For more information and a link go to


IMAG0032Winter Bird Feeder


The snow blows in from the sea -

creates fragile white blossoms

on the end of thin azalea branches

and erects ivory statues on objects

that remain in a winter yard.

The distant sun glints off

large mounds in the shiny coverlet

which now shrouds the land.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie will have art and poetry in this virtual exhibition: KAJI ASO STUDIO presents An uplifting virtual presentation of Art, Music & Poetry inspired by the theme of SANCTUARY. Online Premiere: Sunday, February 28th  at 7:00 p.m. EST. This event is FREE and open to the public. More info:

Spot of Beauty & Announcement


Spot of Beauty

Spot of Beauty

Spot of Beauty

Breath of a breeze

blows a rush of leaves –

they rustle in hues

of red, yellow and gold,

sparkling in the autumn sun

like some precious jewels.

Squirrels take no notice

while digging holes for

next season’s stores.

One needs to embrace

this spot of beauty,

soon only the bare branches

of winter’s cold landscape

will remain.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie will have artwork in the exhibit “On the Edge of Light” from November 9, 2020 to January, 28, 2021 at Amesbury City Hall, Amesbury, MA.

Octopus Dreams – An Exhibit

Dream of Exploring the Cosmos

Dream of Exploring the Cosmos

Octopus Dreams #3

Dark sky slowly fades

into early dawn light

as night hands the controls

over to the day on

an ever revolving earth.

The octopus tires after

hours of a solitary hunt –

no help needed from others.

It folds into its secure den,

glows like shimmering cloth

in a reverie of dreams.

Lainie Senechal


“Octopus Dreams” – an exhibit with art, poetry and music will open virtually on Friday, September 25 at 7 PM. Go to for a link to the presentation.


Tanabata 2020Separation Across Sliver River


In an empty courtyard

trees near the fence

rustle like starched skirts

that sway in a slight breeze,

as stars slowly appear.

Each night brings a different

style of longing: sometimes

the heart aches with loneliness,

other nights there is joy

in anticipation of reunion.

Neither changes the situation

nor brings you closer to me.

Lainie Senechal

This watercolor will be included in a virtual exhibit to celebrate the Japanese festival of Tanabata. The theme  this year is Tanabata:  “An Ancient Story for Modern Times” focusing on the ideas of separation and the wishing, hoping, longing to meet again.

PUBLIC DATE of exhibit/event:  July 7, 2020 at 7 pm, by the Kaji Aso Studio,
presented as a pre-recorded webinar presenting the art, music and poetry.
Note: Artwork, poetry and music videos will remain on website through July 31, 2020


Journey to Spring & Announcement

Sunset, Lake attitashSunset, Lake Attitash

Journey to Spring

Some days are bright and warm,

followed by cold and snow.

Like the motion of the tides

or the moon, once full, now waning –

the season ebbs and flows

on its slow journey to spring.

Lake’s surface becomes too soft

to support those that fish through ice.

We are headed into a new situation,

wondering how it will unfold.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie’s paintings will be on display at the headquarters of the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge during the month of March 2020.

Autumn Begins & Announcement

09252019134526-0001Autumn Assemblage

Autumn Begins

Cool, salty winds blow in

from distant shore.

Sweet, sultry, Southern air

departs with summer sun.

Shelter of green leaves

becomes quite sparse,

as colorful remnants

fly in blustery breezes.

We gaze at evening’s low clouds,

color of purple wine -

wait for the long nights

 and melancholy autumn days.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie’s paintings will be on display at Amesbury City Hall beginning September 30 through January in a group exhibit titled “Transitions”.  The opening is Wednesday, October 2nd from 6-8 pm.

Tanabata Stars & Announcement

06272019135811-0001Tanabata Stars

Tanabata Stars*

Beyond the Summer Solstice,

on a calm evening, the stars

seem to blossom in the heavens,

accompanied by planets,

with their slowly turning moons,

and exploding supernovas

that surprise even the astronomers.

The lovely star, Vega, appears

with her bright partner, Altair,

forming two points

of the Summer Triangle

and spinning myths that

weave through the ages.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie will exhibit paintings and read poetry on July 6th at the Tanabata Festival at the Kaji Aso Studio, Boston, MA, 7-9pm. Free and open to the public.

*Tanabata is a Japanese Festival based on a legend that includes the stars Vega and Altair.

Shelter & Announcement

Along the Muddy River

Along the Muddy River

Shelter #8

Ice on the winter lake,

once frozen, has cracked.

Now it retreats and returns

with the rise and fall

of season’s fitful weather.

A full moon illuminates

the crests of wave,

recently released from capture.

Ripples scatter in the light,

like birds with flashy feathers,

freed from shelter of henhouse

to nervously search for sustenance

in the dark barnyard dirt.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie will present art and poetry in “Shelter”, the Winter Art Festival at Kaji Aso Studio. Opening reception: Saturday, Jan.19, 7-9pm. Poetry reading and music at 8pm. Free and open to the public at 40 St Stephen St., Boston.

Not Under the Tree & Announcement

11272018104926-0001Red Pears

Not Under the Tree

We are all travelers

who wander in the wilderness,

who follow the dream star,

who look for sanctuary –

a place to be reborn.

The world spins madly,

with a multitude of distractions,

a path simply trod

would lead us to home.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement:  My paintings are on display at Health Matters, 35 Main St., Amesbury, MA.  Thank you to David and Sarah for displaying my work.